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Partial Lunar Eclipse at 15° Aquarius On August 7, 2017:

On August 7, 2017 there will be a Partial Lunar Eclipse at 15° Aquarius, followed by a Total Solar Eclipse on August 21, 2017 and Important Remedies to follow:

The lunar eclipse August 2017 astrology has a mix of difficult and easy aspects. Jupiter is directly linked to the Moon and Sun. This means that a powerful drive for personal success will have an affect your mood, behavior and close relationships. Lunar eclipse full moon August 2017 has the potential to make you greedy, selfish and ruthless on your way to the top. Positive aspects that link the lunar eclipse to Jupiter show how to avoid these potential pitfalls. They also give clues about the happiness and success that are possible if you play your cards right. The August 7 lunar eclipse in the Sign of Aquarius is actually in the Constellation of Capricornus. The Sea Goat has a great influence over human affairs and brings major changes in such areas as climate and political customs. A lunar eclipse in the “Mansion of Kings” will focus attention on leaders, their rise to power and fall through overthrow or assassination or overthrow. Unfavorably situated with regards to lunar eclipses (opposite Mars) the constellation indicates major storms, especially at sea. Success, power and influence are all possible, but without some care, there will be a price to pay. Ruthless determination, greed and corruption may get you there quicker and make you more money, but at what cost? Your personal life is the most likely area to suffer, especially your closest relationships. Remember a lunar eclipse highlights your emotions, home life and partners. Then the solar eclipse on Monday August 21, 2017 is at 29° Leo: he solar eclipse August 2017 astrology points to bold, confident changes leading to long term success. Determined and sustained effort will bring the growth and happiness you desire. New moon August 2017 aligns with the major fixed star Regulus to give ambition and adventure. A positive link to Uranus makes this a six-month eclipse phase of anticipation and excitement. Fixed star Regulus is independent, proud, confident, frank, brave, militant and violent. While open minded and generous, Regulus wants conquer and rule, to leave his mark before a successful challenger claims the throne. Regulus, also designated Alpha Leonis (α Leonis, abbreviated Alpha Leo, α Leo), is the brightest star in the constellation of Leo and one of the brightest stars in the night sky, lying approximately 79 light years from the Sun. Regulus is a multiple star system composed of four stars that are organized into two pairs. A solar eclipse with Regulus gives success, power, authority, influence, honor and wealth. However, envy and hatred form enemies can lead to trouble, violence and downfall. Therefore, solar eclipse August 2017 should bring success due to his ambitious initiatives.

Kindly note: The above mentioned predictions are all based on general astrology, in depth analysis can only be done while seeing a person birth chart in detail. Depending upon person to person’s chart results may vary.

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