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Astrology Planets and their Meanings, Planet Symbols

Meaning of Planets and houses in Astrology

When we use astrology, we are looking at the movements of the planets and using those celestial movements to understand the greater movements of the universe. If we had to put it more poetically, reading astrology is about reading the larger story behind the events in our universe. While each of us individually may just represent one cog in the greater whole, astrology gives us information about how that cog fits. It tells us about our own individual place in the greater narrative of the universal story.

How Are Planet Meanings Used in Astrology?

Each planet in the following list symbolizes something in all our lives - a universal component of our experiences. They rule over different parts of our psyche - different desires, different needs that create who we are. Therefore your own personal combination of zodiac signs (Rashis), planet locations, Constellations (Nakshatras) and houses (bhavas) end up depicting a portrait of you in something known as the birth chart. We get this birth chart from a mapping of the heavens during the moment of your birth into the world.

For knowing about your life events Call to get an appointment with famous Dubai based Astrologer - Tahreem Shah predicting with accuracy and best guidance.

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